Our Bodies Have a Built-in Defense System

In modern times, medicine has improved exponentially, but there are still high cases of bacterial infections. When observed closely it seems that some regions in the world are prone to higher rates of deficiency and malnutrition. But why? Doctor Foster was the man who asked why, and he did so with good reason. 

He noticed that there were so many unanswered questions to the world’s problems about disease and health and he was determined to figure out why. 

Doctor Harold Foster was an English-Canadian renowned disaster planner and medical geographer. His research included studying spatial distribution patterns of disease in correlation to 217 environmental variables.

He was great at helping people through his medical geography practice. But he wanted to find solutions to many unanswered and unasked questions.

He was extremely talented and passionate about finding the root cause of illnesses. He thrived on researching preventative solutions and possible treatments. 

Doctor Foster always asked questions like “what really causes AIDS?” and “what really causes Alzheimers?” Which later became part of his book series. “So long as I am able, I intend to write one ‘what really causes’ book each year…” he said in one of his interviews.

He was always researching how geographical regions and the food produced in those regions could have an effect on an individual’s health. 

He was a giant in Orthomolecular medicine, studying diseases and health. His enquiring mind led him to discover some thought-provoking answers that would later change the lives of many people across the world. 

During his research, he found that certain regions with a high rate of HIV/AIDS also had low counts of selenium minerals. This further led doctor Foster to the conclusion that the more selenium is in an individual’s diet the lower their chances of contracting the autoimmune disease.  

He also tested the theory and came to the conclusion. Selenium not only lowered the HIV/AIDS rate, but a lack thereof was the link that resulted in higher infection rates in other countries. 

So too had old diseases like rickets (lack of vitamin D), scurvy (lack of vitamin C), and pellagra (diet mainly consisting of maize) plague certain regions of the world as a result of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. 

Doctor Foster also realized that countries with higher cancer and Alzheimer's cases also lacked selenium in their body. Selenium seemed to play a role in reinforcing the immune system. Thus lowering infection rates as well as the development of certain cancer cells in some studies.  

One of doctor Foster’s analogies was that the body’s immune system is similar to a sheet of glass. In this analogy, he explained that while the mosquito (virus) tries to get into the glass (immune system), pharmaceutical companies develop synthetic solutions for example darts (drugs) in an attempt to eradicate the mosquito. But, instead of getting rid of the mosquito, these darts are damaging the glass during the process. As a result, with every dart thrown at the glass in an attempt to hamper the mosquito, the glass becomes fragile and weak. 

When we reinforce the glass, it becomes stronger, it can withstand mosquito stings, and there’s no need for darts. So too is it with our immune systems. 

Doctor Foster believed that strengthening the immune system through dietary supplements was important. His 45 years of research led to the development of his advanced immunity blend Selfera, helping reduce deficiencies. 

Taking a lead from the doctor, a stronger immune system could go a long way in reducing the risk of bacterial infections. 

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