How Supplements Could Aid your Dietary Needs

Dietary supplements have plenty of benefits. They are especially helpful when an individual lacks minerals or vitamins. This is common when someone has a mineral deficiency. Sometimes conditions such as being pregnant, or having anemia, or malnutrition could lead to a lack of certain minerals. 

Check with your health care professional if there is anything you need clarity about before going ahead and using supplements. 

What are dietary supplements? 

Supplements are convenient to use and used to supplement certain dietary needs. For example, if someone had an iron deficiency they would have to take iron supplements. The average adult needs approximately 1.8mg of iron per day. Sometimes the body cannot absorb enough iron from food sources alone. This is where an iron supplement should help.  

Dietary supplements may help lower the risks of developing conditions like osteoporosis or arthritis. But this also depends on the individual. Their health history and family’s history with health conditions. This may play a role in whether there is a possibility of developing certain genetic mutations and hereditary traits.

Methods of taking in supplements 

Dietary supplements are usually available in pills, gel capsules, or powders. Many supplements are available in health stores and you don't need a doctor’s prescription to buy.

Some popular dietary supplements that are available include but are not limited to:

  • Omega3 - Fatty fish oil is known to lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. It may be essential to the health of the heart. 
  • Calcium - An essential mineral needed to maintain good bone health. Vitamin D along with calcium is usually the combination. 
  • B6 and B12 - Vitamin B is noted for its ability to improve mental health and also to be a source of natural energy for the body. 
  • Zinc - Zinc may help improve the immune system and is also said to help reduce inflammation 
  • Selenium - Selenium may help with reproduction, thyroid function, and protects against oxidative stress. 
  • Vitamin C - Vitamin c may help protect the immune system as well as support wellness to the cells, skin, and blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E plays a role in protecting the cells against free radicals

Where to find some of these sources of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants 

You can find these minerals, antioxidants and minerals in a variety of foods. When you eat a diet that is balanced and contains all food groups, chances are, you are already getting the required intake. 

For those who aren’t getting enough amounts of minerals and vitamins in their diet, a doctor may recommend dietary supplements. 

All vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in the maintenance and function of the body. There are a variety of foods containing these essential nutrient sources and are not limited to the list below:
You can find Zinc in fish, liver, seeds, poultry, eggs, and nuts. 

Selenium sources are in fish, egg, diary, seafood, and grain products.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, green vegetables, hazel, and almond nuts. 

Vitamin C 
Foods containing vitamin C include cranberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach, and potatoes.  

Omega 3 and 6
You can find good fatty oils like omega 3 and 6 in fish, soy beans, canola oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, and tofu. 

Enjoy the health benefits of Doctor Foster’s Selfera, packed with the power of Selenium, moringa, vitamin D, and zinc to help support your wellness. Remember that eating a balanced diet, along with exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle. 

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